Sunday School Lesson – May 3, 2020

Are You Fit for the Master’s to Use? 2 Timothy 2:19-21

  • To be a lineman, one must be a grunt.
  • To be a machinist, one must first be an apprentice.
  • To be a teacher, one must first practice teach.
  • To be a drive, one must first learn how to drive.



I. To be fit for the Master’s use, one must:


A) Build on God’s foundation

B) Be known by God

C) Be responsible unto God


Read 2 Timothy 2:19. The foundation of God stands sure. How could Paul write this to Timothy? Paul simply writes to Timothy about the local church. What does he say? The local New Testament church has a solid foundation (not the church building), but with the church.


Read Ephesians 5:25-27


God’s church is a glorious church— having no spot or wrinkle— Holy— without blemish. All has been made possible because of the blood sacrifice on Calvary.



  • The earthly house I live in always needs repair.
  • The earthly car I drive is headed to a junk yard.
  • The earthly clothes I wear are fading and soon need to be replaced.


Not so with God’s church— why? Because, it was built on a blood bought foundation. Blood redeemed— that has, is, and will stand all the test of time.


Yes, when the trumpet sounds— God’s redeemed will win the battle— Why? It is because God’s redeemed are standing on a solid foundation.


His name is Jesus.


To be fit for the Master’s use— you must be on the right foundation.



II. To be fit for the Master’s use, you must be known by God- 2 Timothy 2:19


Having this seal— the Lord knoweth them that are His.


Read Colossians 1:14, 20-22 and 1 Peter 2:21 and 24.


My soul— your soul is very precious unto the Lord. He knows us one by one. You and I were bought with a price. 1 Corinthians 6:20


Does God really know me?


Read Nahum 1:7

John 1:48

John 10:3

John 10:14

2 Tim 2:19


Are you known by God? To be fit for the Master’s use, you must be known by God.



III. To be fit for the Master’s use, you must be obedient and responsible to Him.


Read 2 Timothy 2:19-21


Thought: You and I are called— chosen in Christ. We should be Holy and without blame. Not only is God’s house on a solid foundation, not only is God’s house sealed— God’s house also has vessels. These are of honor— gold, silver, and, there are those of wood and clay.


The saved— those of honor.


The lost— those of dishonor.


Are you fit for the Master’s use?


  • Only is you have built on the right foundation.
  • Only if you are known by God.
  • Only if you are separated— set apart unto honor.


Read 2 Timothy 2:19-21.


My friend— are you fit for the Master to use?
