
Sunday School

We offer Bible study for all age groups. Lifeway literature is used in small group settings to teach Bible revelation and godly living. Sunday School offers an opportunity for fellowship, ministry, and missions. If you want to grow in a spiritual sense and get to know the LORD, Sunday School is the place. We invite you to attend at 9:30 a.m. each Sunday.

Ladies Ministry

This group meets monthly for a time of dinner, devotion, and fellowship for women of the church and community.  With a focus on ministering to others, they participate in various mission projects.

Men & Boys Ministry

A ministry that offers men and boys devotionals, fishing, camping, mission opportunities, Men’s Day worship, Winter Feast, annual church-wide BBQ, church-wide Easter breakfast, and an ongoing Bible study.


This weekly 1 and 1/2 hour program is available for kids ages 2-18.  Awana provides a foundation for children to apply Biblical principles in their lives through fun games and scripture memorization.  Come and visit us for a night of fun, it’s never too late to join.
Youth Ministry
KSBC’s student ministry, Cross Training is for youth grades 6-12.  Cross Training takes part in an upbeat contemporary worship service each Wednesday night in our Youth Hall facility. The Youth Bible studies pertain to every facet of a teen’s life. Cross Training 6th-12th also offers fifth quarters after CHS home games, Hallelujah Fests, Bible conferences, Winter Jam, Disciple Now, Christmas & Easter dramas, Centrifuge, World Changers, praise music, fun outdoor games & challenges, and a summer softball league.
Children’s Ministry
Children’s Ministry opportunities are on Wednesday nights (3yrs-5th grade) and Children’s Church (3 yrs-1st grade) during our Sunday morning worship services. The children’s ministry called G-Kidz for grades K-5 takes part with an energy filled program called The Gospel Project.  This is an upbeat program that involves music, games, and a small group study based on the lessons that apply to a child’s life.  Our children’s ministry also offers retreats, Wednesday night fun, skating parties and summer camp.


A nursery is provided during all services for infant to third birthday.  Upon the third birthday, children may be moved to the next class with parents’ consent.  It is our goal to keep the nursery sanitized and safe with appropriate sign-in and sign-out procedures.  A campus wide wireless paging system is available to ensure our nursery team is able to contact parents/guardians if needed.